Mt Beerwah - Threatened

3rd Nov 2023

Update: QPWS has opened Beerwah


1st Nov 2023

Update: QPWS has temporarily closed Mt Beerwah till the 14th Nov. SOS have asked for reasoning behind this with this letter to QPWS 31st October 2023

RE: 23413 - Mt Beerwah Section Closure - 31 October to 14 November

Dear Justin,

I write to you today to question Mt Beerwah Section Closure for

the period of 31 October to 14 November 2023 as posted on the QPWS website


I appreciate there was a small bushfire between Mt Beerwah Rd

& Streek Rd at 10:40am today however that has been eliminated by QFES and

there are now no active fire warnings present for the Mt Beerwah area on the

QFES website. Further, I note that the BOM website has forecast moderate1 fire

risk conditions for the next 4 days and has also forecast rain2 for the Mt

Beerwah area in the next week.

I wish to question why the decision was made to close the area

given there is no current risk of fire and only a moderate risk of fire over

the coming days? The decision seems quite extreme and the length of the closure

quite excessive.

I would also like to question is there a chance that the decsion

to close until the 14th be reversed given that risk of fire is well within the

moderate range?

Given that other parks have been closed for shorter periods of

time (Mt Greville 7 days & Mt French 5 days) why has the decision been made

to close Beerwah for a relatively lengthy 14days?

I appreciate your timely response.

Yours Sincerely

Craig Evans


Save Our Summits


1st Sept 2023

Mt Beerwah in the Glasshouse Mountains had a temporary closure early in 2023 for 2 months. We believed that this closure could have gone the same was as Mt Warning and become permanent. SOS was conceived and born over this period to ensure that users had a voice in the managment of this mountain and places like it.

These mountain summits have contributed greatly to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of 10’s of thousands of people. It is no exaggeration to say that they have figuratively and literally been life saving for countless people who have shared their personal testimonies with us.

We will be petitioning for:

- Continued, ongoing and permanent access to mountain summits throughout Australia.

- Equality for all Australians, with equal consideration of our views and needs.

- Evidence of safety concerns so we can assess their validity and input accordingly.

- Consultation and input on ecological issues.

- Protection of our National Parks from the small minority of people who litter and/or vandalise these places of such natural beauty. We will be calling for harsh consequences for, for example, the person responsible for the recent vandalism of Mount Beerwah in the Glasshouse Mountains. We stand together, united in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters in strongly denouncing this despicable act.