In Brief: Approx 200+ attendees. Sturt Davis Boyd welcomed the group with a song from his grandmother Millie Boyd. Then we had some wonderful provoking speeches from Sturt Davis Boyd, Marc Hendrix, AndrewFlanagan & Craig Evens plus some audience participation with 3 or 4stories. People like Liam, a professional athlete who would run it in record times as part of his regular training. Amulet who told us how she was totally in love with the mountain and its surrounds. Andrew who dragged himself down the mountain with a broken arm after attempting multiple summits in 24h & many heart felt stories of families enjoying the summit.

Sturt completed his first ever summit of Mt Warning (Wulambiny Momoli) that morning with friends and was beaming all day. His speech was so full of love for us all and our land. He is wonderful ambassador, his mum and gran would be very proud of the man he has become.

Great turnout, especially considering it was Australia Day and as hot as hell. Local supportis huge. Lots of contacts to follow up including many local businesses who are very keen to help. This closure has had a big effect on local business, so please support them. Sign petitions, write to your local state and council members, talk to people, we need your help. If not us then who, if not now then when!

Link to Marc Hendrix's report -