18/04/2024 - In Brief: Its been 4 years since this iconic walk was closed. We have hit the required 10,000 in the petition so this closure will now get debated in parliament, lets hope logic and democracy prevail.

Brett Watson of the Mount Warning Hotel invited us to host a public meeting on the 12th April to discuss the effects on the local communitee. Considering the short 2 week lead time we had a really good roll up.  Marc’s speech is below. We met many locals who have lived in the area most and some all of their lives who had never been up Mt Warning, always going to do it but too busy earning a living, then out of the blue closed for ever. This is a similar story to many hard working Aussies who had always planned to climb Ayres Rock (Uluru) in their retirement.

Some took the challenge and joined us the following morning, some decided against it, understandably with NSWNP threatening fines of up to $550,000. Letter below send to Marc in the week prior. The brave souls that climbed out of bed 3 hours before dawn were treated to a leisurely 2 hour walk up and a magnificent sunrise. All arriving on the summit at about 545am and then headed down around an hour later to complete the walk by 8am. Then, as you do after these types of adventures we all went to Uki and enjoyed a big breakfast and coffee at a café. We had heard many stories for businesses suffering and closing since the summit trail closure so it felt good to give back a little.  

Link to Marc Hendrix's blog - https://righttoclimb.blogspot.com/2024/03/mt-warning-closure-4-years-of-lies-and.html

NSWNP threatening letter